Our beauty salon has great furnitures and tools so you can feel comfortable while enjoying of excellent services. Located in the city of Ventnor, NJ in a place of quick and easy access. While receiving the great services, you can watch TV or enjoy of a nice hot coffee or Tea.
Empowering Women and bringing their inner beauty to life
EstherViz Hair & Beauty Salon
Founder & OWNER
Esther Vizcaino
Hair stylist with more than 20 years of experience in the professional service of cosmetology in general. Combining texturing, color, high or low lighting and deep treatment. We have the most cutting edge training related to the cosmetology area for all kind of solutions that your hair needs.
We Are Specialized In Great Hair Cuts and Colors
EstherViz Beauty Salon specializes in hair cuts, styling & shaping, hair texturizing & permanent waving, hair coloring and marbleizing, high or low lighting located in Ventnor, NJ. If you want to be in a cozy, professional place, where hair expert take care of your hair, that you feel like at home, relaxed and pleased with all you ask for, this is the ideal place!